City Emblem
The above emblem was chosen from submissions made by the residents of the two towns and
eight villages that merged to form Koshigaya Town, and was designated as the official emblem
of the town and the town's administration on January 10th, 1955. This emblem then continued
to be used after Koshigaya Town became Koshigaya City.
Koshigaya is written as "越谷" in kanji characters, and the central part of the emblem consists
of a stylized version of the second of these characters (谷). The first of these characters (越),
which can be read as "koshi," is represented by a ring formed by repeating the katakana character
"コ" four times in different orientations. This character is read as "ko," and as one way to say
the number four in Japanese is "shi," this ring is said to be read as "koshi" and represent the
first kanji character (越). The outer part of the emblem consists of a ring of ten linked circles,
representing the two towns and eight villages that merged to form Koshigaya Town.
市民協働部 市民活動支援課(本庁舎3階)